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Neem Have Been Used In India As Per Back As The Vedic Period, 1500 – 1600 BC Due To Its Medicinal Properties. Ayurvedic, Siddha & Unani Medicines & Cosmetics Researchers And Practitioners Believed That Neem Is Anti – Fungal, Anti – Diabetic, Anti – Bacterial, Anthelmintic, Anti – Viral, Contraceptive And Sedative. The Neem Tree Is Native To The Countries Of Asia And Primarly In India. The Neem Is An Evergreen Tree And Nature’s Wealth For Health, Since Its All Parts Are Used In Various Forms Of Herbal Treatments. In India Till Now, Neem Has Been Used In Traditional Ayurvedic Herbal Healing Treatments Internally & Externally. In Morden Era, European & American Scientist Researched On The Medicinal Benefits Of Neem And Due To These Benefits Its Leaf Powder, Neem Leaf Oil, Neem Seed Oil And Pulp, Neem Tree Bark & Small Neem Twigs Are Used In A Wide Range Of Cosmetic & Medicinal Formulations. Fhp Neem Forte Capsule Blended With The Effective & Beneficial Ingredients Of Neem Which Assist To Treat Acne, Pimples, Rashes Etc. Skin Problems, To Promote Healthy And Shining Hair, To Maintain Smooth Complexion. It Is The Best Natural Remedy For Blood Purification & To Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Level. It Is Beneficial To Use For Anti – Biotic And Anti – Viral Treatments.

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